Guiding Principles

Guiding principles are concepts and ideas that span a wide range and have many forms of application.

system thinking

A system is a group of interacting or interrelated elements that act according to a set of rules and form a unified whole. A system

Organizational resilience

About resilience Resilience is the ability of a social or ecological system to absorb or resist disturbances so that the system essentially maintains its structure

Operational excellence

This aspect is closely linked to cost efficiency – which remains a key factor in global competition. A modern approach is typically based on lean

Acting as an Agile Leader

Create a safe environment Underlying the demand for a psychologically safe environment are three central ideas: The brain treats many social threats and rewards with

The GOOD Cycle

The GOOD cycle ensures that the strategy is regularly incorporated into operational implementation. The Game or Set Goals. Observe or watch the situation Determineorientation or


The GOOD or sense making cycle The Game – Understanding and formulating the general situation – situational awareness. Landscape – Observe the climatic patterns, i.e.