Grow Communities

Communities of Practices are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better

Seed Autonomy

Leadership is not defined by the exercise of power but by the capacity to increase the sense of power among those led. Mary Parker Follett,

Design Interventions

Interventions in a complex world In a complex world, there is no reliable relationship between intervention and effect. Rather, an intervention is an experiment: the

Responsibility and Accountability

Alignment, Accountability and Autonomy are three English terms that together form a solid foundation of work in adaptive organizations. Alignment describes the agreement of the

Organization Capabilities

What are organizational capabilities A capability defines the ability of an organization to successfully perform a specific business activity. Skills: are the building blocks of

Individual Skills

When we talk about individual skills or abilities: what kinds of skills are we talking about Core skills: at the end of the day, a

OKRs – Objectives and Key Results

OKRs(objectives and key results) are a leadership model to focus attention on the right issues, leverage effort and drive a shift from tasks to objectives.

Transformation and implementation

We describe here some tools used for communication and finally for implementation. What they have in common is that cooperative work and implementation as conversation

Operation Model

What belongs to the Operation Model The organizational model typically includes Organizational model: how the activities in the value chain and supporting functions are interconnected.

Management Model

What is a management model A management model is the decision of a company’s top executives on how to define goals, motivate efforts, coordinate activities,