Succeed in a changing world

An organization’s ability to achieve its business goals requires far more flexibility, initiative, motivation, and new skills than in traditional environments.

They include a combination of:

  • your efficiency – this is the element that is classically most in focus
  • your ability to innovate – the importance of which has increased dramatically in our VUCA times
  • your ability to change and learn

Many of these are included in the Lean and Agile principles, methods and toolkits, others have been around longer, such as Post-Heroic Leadership. Their combined use has become an urgent necessity today.

The strategy must adapt to the conditions of the environment – and to the identity that the organization ascribes to itself.

see: Evolving Strategy

The Sweet Spot

The sweet spot lies in the combination of these aspects. An organization needs

  • A systemic view of the whole, the combination of the three success factors.
  • A view of change as a continuous process. Changes do not come in distinct phases, they happen all the time, overlap and influence each other.
  • A transparent and agreed idea of “better”, i.e. a direction of change. In a complex world, this includes vision, experimentation, empowered people, incremental and disruptive improvements.